JD147_1 Snow Kids
125.6mm x 177.9mm
27,940 stitches

JD147_2 Snowflake Melody
57.8mm X 97.1mm
7.182 stitches |

JD147_3 Charlie at the Drums
119.2mm x 128.9mm
19,479 stitches |

JD147_4 Shake Your Flakes
171.7mm x 138.0mm
30,095 stitches |

JD147_5 Chester on the Trumpet
132.2mm x 125.8mm
16,211 stitches |

JD147_6 Snow
43.8mm x 139.0mm
7,069 stitches |

JD147_7 A Play on Notes
98.4 x 46.8mm
6,286 stitches

JD147_8 Happy Notes
145.2mm x 145.6mm
22,307 stitches |

JD147_9 Solo Sam
163.3mm x 98.5mm
13,410 stitches |

JD147_10 Singing in the Snow
111.6mm x 209.1mm
8,831 stitches |

JD147 Flakes
29.8mm x 28.1mm
1,401 stitches
16.9mm x 15.8mm
691 stitches
22.6mm x 23.0mm
922 stitches
3 Different Sizes of Flakes |

JD147_11 Melody Soloist
132.2mm x 125.8mm
16,211 stitches |

JD147_12 Brian the Guitar Man
124.4mm x 127.5mm
15,037 stitches |

JD147_13 Double Flake
26.0mm x 58.9mm
1,830 stitches |